
Welcome to Groupwise 😎

Create an account and learn how to start using Groupwise

Getting started with Groupwise

To get started, create an account with Groupwise. This can be done on our registration page.

Install the Chrome Extension

You can find our chrome extension at the URL below. Follow this link and click the 'Add to Chrome' button to

Chrome Extension

Pin the Groupwise icon to your extension bar

Click the puzzle piece icon in the top right corner of your browser window, and then click the pin icon next to Groupwise. This will keep your Groupwise icon visible at all times for easier access to your dashboard, which can be found by clicking this icon.

Pin Extension

Open the dashboard to connect your Google account

Click the Groupwise icon that you just pinned to the top right bar, and click the button to open your dashboard. On this page you'll see a button toe connect your Google account -- click this button and select the Google account that you will use for your Groupwise Google sheet.

Pin Extension


Pin Extension

Connect a Facebook group to Groupwise

Open up a Facebook group page that you have admin access to (or reload the page if you have one open already). You will see a 'Connect group' button located in the bottom right of your screen -- click this to add the group, and open your Groupwise dashboard if this does not automatically open it for you.

Connect group

Create your spreadsheet

First you'll want to open Google sheets and create a new spreadsheet. If you plan to rename this spreadsheet from Sheet 1(as displayed in the bottom left corner of the sheet) to something else, you will need to do that now before you connect the sheet. Please ensure the sheet is totally blank, and then copy the sheet's full URL to your clipboard. Pin Extension Copy URL

Connect the sheet to your Facebook group

Return back to the Groupwise dashboard, and you'll now see a section for the group you've just added. Within that section, click the 'Add sheet' button. In the text box that appears, paste the URL to the sheet you just copied, and then click Continue to tell Groupwise which sheet tab to use, and then how much data you'd like to collect on each user.

Connect sheet

Using Groupwise to collect member data

Once your first group is fully connected and configured, you'll be able to approve new members and send their collected information straight to your spreadsheet. You will still have the option to approve a single user at a time, or approve all (up to 100 users -- this is a temporary restriction).


Note: It is important to wait to approve any users until you see 'with Groupwise' has been added to the text of the approval buttons (shown above). This is to be sure Groupwise has been properly loaded into the page.

If you still need further assistance with setting up or using Groupwise, please don't hesistate to reach out via chat or email on our support page.