Beautifully simple data collection for group admins

Collect all the important information from your Facebook group applicants (name, email, answers, etc) and automatically send it to a Google sheet. Incredibly simple to use, for those that don't need the bells and whistles.

⚡️ Quick & simple setup

With Groupwise we've stripped away all the fluff and clutter we found in other services to be able to give a a dead-simple app that you can have up and running in less than 5 minutes(no matter where you fall on the "tech savvy" spectrum).

🚀 100% automated

"Set it and forget it", as the kids say. Once a group is set up, you can go about your admin duties without worry about collecting all this data -- all work is done automatically in the background so you don't have to worry about it.

😎 Valuable time saved

Groupwise lets you collect valuable customer data while skipping the tedious task of actually having to copy/paste for hours and hours. Groupwise automates the boring stuff so you can focus on everything else.

✔️ Single approve + approve all

Groupwise's automated member data collection works seamlessly with both single member approval and approve all, allowing you implement Groupwise without any adjustments to your current workflow.

Boost Productivity

Build an atmosphere that creates productivity in your organization and your company culture.

  • Maximize productivity and growth
  • Speed past your competition
  • Learn the top techniques